Tuesday, October 8, 2013

She Has Arrived


18 September 2013

Parents of: Sister Cox 

       332 West 600 North
       Manti, UT 84642

This week Sister Anderson and I have had the thrill of welcoming your daughter to the Pennsylvania Philadelphia Mission. She has arrived safely and we have enjoyed becoming acquainted with her .

Yesterday, Sister Cox was assigned his first companion and trainer, Sister 
   .  Below is their address; we invite you to please write or email  Sister Cox weekly with positive, uplifting information and experiences to encourage her in her missionary efforts.  Your expressions of love and interest in her will not only bless her life here in Philadelphia, but will cement relationships of trust forever.  As instructed by the leaders of the Church, we ask that you not telephone or visit Sister Cox during her mission unless I have been informed in advance.  She will have my permission to call on Mother's Day and Christmas.  You should feel free to contact Sister Anderson (new mission president's wife) at any time.  Email is my preference, but if the need is urgent call the Church operator in Salt Lake (801-240-1000) and they will know how to contact me.


We know the Lord will bless you as He does all who make the necessary sacrifices to allow their loved ones to serve in these great callings.  If we can ever be of any service or assistance to you or your daughter, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for the privilege of serving with Sister Cox.

Best personal regards,

T. Gary AndersonPresident, Pennsylvania Philadelphia Mission

Sister Jessica Cox

4405 Bristol Rd. #1BTrevose, PA 19053USA

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